
2023年6月11日—ThebestUltraSearchalternativesareEverything,KeypirinhaandDocFetcher.Ourcrowd-sourcedlistscontainsmorethan25appssimilarto ...,EverythingisafreewaredesktopsearchutilityforWindowsthatcanrapidlyfindfilesandfoldersbyname.Whilethebinariesarelicensedundera ...,Everything是一個私有的免費Windows桌面搜尋引擎,可以在NTFS卷上快速地...UltraSearch,一個可替代的免費軟體 ...,Itisalightweightsear...

12 Great UltraSearch Alternatives

2023年6月11日 — The best UltraSearch alternatives are Everything, Keypirinha and DocFetcher. Our crowd-sourced lists contains more than 25 apps similar to ...

Everything (software)

Everything is a freeware desktop search utility for Windows that can rapidly find files and folders by name. While the binaries are licensed under a ...

Everything (軟體)

Everything是一個私有的免費Windows桌面搜尋引擎,可以在NTFS卷上快速地 ... UltraSearch,一個可替代的免費軟體 ...

Everything VS UltraSearch

It is a lightweight search app that is quick with a small footprint. Everything, as the name suggests, literally indexes every single file and folder on your ...

Free File Search Tool UltraSearch

UltraSearch searches files on local NTFS drives and provides the results within just a few seconds. Download for free!

Software that will make exploringsearching files on pc ...

2022年3月20日 — I'd recommend Everything for this purpose, its search is instant and the program itself is lightweight. Though it doesn't search through file ...


2011年5月2日 — 小众原来介绍过一个快速的文件搜索工具- Everything ,今天给大家介绍的这个UltraSearch 是与Everything 一个类型的运行于NTFS 文件系统的用于快速 ...

UltraSearch 在NTFS上快速搜索文件软件v1.8.1.275 中文绿色 ...

2023年12月10日 — 注:Everything,UltraSearch只能搜索NTFS磁盘格式的文件。 UltraSearch 使您可以将文件分组为文件类型组并搜索整个组。创建后,即可容易修改组。


UltraSearch 不会维护存储在硬盘上的索引,而是通过直接在NTFS 分区的主文件表(MFT)上工作实现其速度。 UltraSearch 甚至可以识别NTFS 硬链接。


2010年2月24日 — UltraSearch doesn't seem to update as fast as Everything when files get deleted, moved, renamed, etc. With Everything any changes show up ...

UltraSearch 4.6.3 快速尋找檔案的好幫手

UltraSearch 4.6.3 快速尋找檔案的好幫手
